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    1. Mouser Electronics

      A Berkshire Hathaway company. Founded in 1964 in San Diego, USA. We are a "Design Fulfillment" Distributor. Carries nearly 500 brands from the Industrial Leading Suppliers.

      電話:02-27939575    地址:台北市內湖區瑞光路76巷20號3樓
    2. 瀚資資訊方案股份有限公司

      ...leading low-leverage consulting partner who is dedicated to our customers, nearing them to achieve total business success. 主

      電話:02-55556688    地址:台北市中山區南京東路二段150號8F
    3. 九晟電子股份有限公司

      ...l have the opportunity to serve you in expanding your market shares in the near future.If you have any interests in any items from the web site or other items not listed, please feel free to contact us. We hope this will be the first step to a mutual, long term and fruitful business partnership

      電話:02-29993820    地址:新北市三重區重新路5段609巷4號9樓之5
    4. 光謙企業有限公司

      ...ow up together with you and to create mutual profits for both of us in the near future. No doubt Forever Young is your best choice. Do not hesitate to contact us. 人性化自我管理、開放式經營。利潤共享~歡迎加入我們的行列!!

      電話:02-26088925    地址:新北市林口區新北市林口區南勢村文化三路1段366號3樓地圖
    5. 德商宜旺有限公司台灣分公司

      ...ow, excellent contacts and permanent presence in Asia, our test laboratory near Taipei is in a position to bring any kind of electrical product into the European market – and that in an efficient and speedy manner.As a Europe-wide recognised agency, EMV TESTHAUS tests and certifies on site. In acc...

      電話:03-3287049    地址:桃園縣龜山鄉復興一路361號

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